
Portugal | zangeres Maan de Steenwinkel & Mehdi Chafi ‘rapper Sjaak’ 
Turkije | zangeres Lakshmi & presentator Renze Klamer 
Oekraïne | musicaldiva Pia Douwes & acteur André Dongelmans 
Noord-Macedonië | sportpresentator Sjoerd van Ramhorst & presentator Ron Boszhard
Guatemala | radiopresentator Frank van der Lende & judoka Henk Grol
Mexico | First Dates-barman Victor Abeln & presentatrice Iris Enthoven
Colombia | zanger Rene le Blanc & actrice Imanuelle Grives 
Oezbekistan | actrice Esmée van Kampen & actrice Hanna van Vliet

Geproduceerd door Warner Bros – Audiopost Centersound
Maan & Mehdi Chafi ‘rapper Sjaak’
Zie bij Clips


TV-Commercial voor KLM Back To Earth
Voice Over: Marcelle Arriëns
Zie bij Clips


Serie TV-Commercials  voor de BMW i Vision Circular
Voice Over:Esmé de la Bretonnière
Zie bij Clips


Nieuwe TV-Commercial voor Coppa Cocktails
Voice Over: Boet Schouwing


TV-Commercials  ontwikkeld door VodafoneZiggo
Agency: Go One by WPP    Client: VodafoneZiggo Production: Media.Monks
Voice Over: Yousef Gnoui


Dierenlot TV commericials

 Voice over Ilse Warringa. Produced by Dennis Brussaard [DLGR] & Jane van den Berg [Dierenlot].

Ilse Warringa


IVR recordings for the UPC platvorm in the languages:  Netherlands, German, Italian and English. Voice talents Odile Bouineau, Simonetta Ronconi, Meina Kentner & Lucy Brownhill. 


Audiotour Montmartre: Van Gogh et autres peinters neêrlandais voor de app ingesproken door Odile Bouineau.

Odile BouineaU


Influence, a documentary podcast series by Damian Bradfield, CCO of WeTransfer.
 ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’. Recorded by Centersound. Produced by Rachel Swaby.

Damian Bradfield

On Spotify:


‘Dangerous Roads’

for Powned with Edson da Graça and Michael Boogerd, Janice Forester and Daniel Boissevain, Rintje Ritsma and Gaby Blaaser. Voice over Eric Corton. Audiopost Centersound.


TV commercial for the  National Museumweek. Voice over Vincent Croiset. Zcene Media. 


New Album now on Spotify:


Dierenlot TV commericials

Voice over Piet Hellemans. Produced by Dennis Brussaard [DLGR] & Jane van den Berg [Dierenlot].



TV Promo’s for The Dreamworks Channel. Voice over Floor Paul.



Groene Reiger. ‘Thinking like a bird’ for Royal NIOZ, Wadden Systems Reseach Center |ScienceMedia. Opdrachtfilm 2019



Silver Dophin for ‘Make your brand fly’  Amsterdam Airport Schiphol | Zcene Moving Media. Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 2019.



‘Zwarte Schuur’ bestseller of Oek de Jong. Uitgeverij Atlas Contact.




Vocals for the new album of Spectral Display sith A3ana, Maxine & Paul Simon.  

More info



The Trust Manifesto – by Damian Bradfield

Audiobook recorded with the CEO of WeTransfer Damien Bradfield. 



Now on spotify ‘It Takes A Muscle To Fall In Love’
(Reggae Version)            &              (Remix)









Straight UP

Exciting news ! ‘It Takes A Muscle To Fall In Love’ [Michel Mulders-Henri Overduin] is featured in de film “Straight Up” of LA-based Valparaiso Pictures, world premiere on the Frameline Festival in San Francisco.




‘De Goede Zoon’ van Libris literatuur prijs winnaar Rob van Essen


Promos for History Channel & Crime Investigation

Every other week. Voice overs: Tim Gunther & Joey Heereman. Direction Bert van Kruijssen.


Metro announcements for RET

Voice over: Claire King & Carolina Mout 


‘We make your brand fly’

Gold Medal for Zcene moving media !, The New York Festivals  ‘We make your brand fly’ for Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.
Sounddesign & Audiopost Centersound. Voice-over Boet Schouwink.


RC, TV commercials ‘The National Museumweek 2019’.

Voice over Rayme Sambo. Zcene Movingmedia, Thera Westerhout.


TV, RC commercials & Billboards for the Week without meat



  IVR recordings in 8 languages for Tommy Hilfiger & Clavin Klein 
E-learning for Krauthammer. Voice-over Lucy Browhill & Tim Gunther


Centersound composed music for Vonk18.



De Nieuwe Garde

Voice-over recordings De Nieuwe Garde, Warner Bros. Paul Rabbering. Videoland.

Boxing Stars

Audiopost voor Boxing Stars, Fabiola TV. VO Ruben Nicolai.



Vreugdenhil – Captain Energy

Mandarijn voice recording with the beautiful voice of Yang Hua for Vreugdenhil. Engineer Paul Simon. Production Captain Energy, Petri Brink & Jan Fabel. 


‘Integrity dilemma’s’ | Police Nederland | Zcene Moving Media

Silver Dolfin Cannes 2018

Soundscape/Muziek and audiorecordings for Zcene Moving Media.



OOI – Sience Media

Always nice to work with Denise Rivera !,A production for Sience Media, Dan Brinkhuis, Dick Peterse, Saskia Madlener. 




Audio recording with Derek de Lint for TV-commercials Bol Piano’s.


TV-commercial Indeed.

Voice-over Jeroen Spitzenberger, copyright Pascal Boogaert.



Audiopost Production for Gordon in Wonderland, Vincent TV.


Promos for the TV-channel Crime & Investigation. 

Voice over Joey Hereman.

OnderhoudNL  Radio/TV campagne

Fabienne de Vries / MZoem
Recording/Audiopost/Soundlogo: Centersound




Sporen – Danniel Danniel

Music: Michel Mulders

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Drive-instructions for: ‘YPR-765 Pantservoertuig’, ‘CV9035 Pantservoertuig’ & ‘Boxer Pantservoertuig’.
Voice over Tim Gunther.

jubileumlogoliggendHet OTCRij

Boxer Pantservoertuig


Algemene Vergadering Rabobank

For Zcene Moving Media Company we provided the mixing of the films for the Algemene Vergadering Rabobank.



Johma TV-commercials

Johma TV-commercials. SKET Film. Regie Sander Ligthart. Voice Over Ernst Daniel Smits.




The Duch Challenge – Talmon – BuZa

Op 23 April vond de officiële preview party plaats van de nieuwe film en digiles die Talmon in opdracht van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken ontwikkelde. The project consists of a  film and a digi-lesson. Meant for all children across the country. It gives a good image about The Netherlands and its Netherlanders.  We recorded the voice-overs with teenagers in the languages Englishm French, German, Spanish and Dutch. Direction:  Paul Simon & Michel Mulders.The Dutch Challenge



Douane Nederland Corporate Trailer

Douane Nederland Enforcement

Voice Over Tim Gunther [UK] & Kenan Raven [NL].

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NOCNSF TV-commercials/radiocommercials

NOCNSF 3 tv-commercials Kjeld Nuis, Nicolien Sauerbreij & Esmé Kamphuis. 3 Radiocommercials. Voice Over Erik de VriesNOCNSF




Miele TV-commercialW1 

Miele tv-commercial & TagOn. Voice Over Boet SchouwinkMiele W1

BP Fleet Move

BP Fleet Move. Video productions for Withagen Moving / MSL. Uk version  [Dan Strauss], DE version  [Stefan Sattler] Recording/Postproduction  CENTERSOUND.

BP_Logo.svg   ‘Dat doen ze goed’

Radio commercial campaign for ‘Erkende Verhuizers‘  voice over Thom Hoffman. Below Carla Gillemans of Erkende Verhuizers and voice over Thom Hoffman. Soundlogo CENTERSOUND.




ING Event, A Future Heritage NN

ING Insurance announced  its plans to rebrand in the future as ‘NN’, a new identity that balances the heritage and Dutch roots with the requirements of an international and future-proof brand. The presentation took place with a spectacular Watch Out Presentation of Zcene Moving Media on a screen of 40 by 10 meters.  Sounddesign Studio MM.




Virb – Garmin


Introduction of VIRB by Garmin. Voice-over Kenan Raven.  It records true HD 1080p video. In addition to 1080p@30fps, you adjust resolution and filming speed for crisp, dramatic slow motion up to 120fps. And it’s all seen through our WideVü lens and processed through 16 megapixel CMOS sensor. 1080p@30fps, 960p@48fps, 720p@30/60fps, 848×480@120fps.

Miele Product Video’s

Miele Product Video’s. Voice-Over:  Carolina Mout [Recording Centersound].


In the picture below: Carolina Mout & Robert Bakker [Manager Marketingcommunications & Public Relations]



Interim Results – Rabobank

Rabobank Video CEO and CFO. The presentation of Rabobank Group’s interim results was held in Utrecht on August 22nd. Voice-over:  Tim Gunther. Zcene Moving Media.

Rabobank   Rabobank Halfjaarcijfers




It Takes A Muscle – Cover by M.I.A.  – Song Of The Day



Bosnian & Serbian language – TomTom

For TomTom Navigation we recently recorded and directed 2 new languages: Bosnian and Serbian. They can be downloaded soon from the TomTom website.

TomTom world



VMBO lesmateriaal – Edumedia Eisma

For Eisma Edumedia we recorded new material for their VMBO english lessons 2013. Direction, casting, audio, music and effects by Centersound.





VMBO lesmateriaal Vlaams 2013 – Academia Press Belgie

For Academia Press Belgium we  recorded  VMBO teaching material Flemish 2013.  Direction, casting, audio, music and effects.

Academia Press


Wifi On Board – KLM

Voice:  Denise Rivera for Rodin Filmproductions.

Rodin klm logo

Denise Rivera


Simon Killer

Simon Killer (France, U.S. A.). Director Antonio CamposFilm Theme Music: ‘It Takes A Muscle Too Fall In Love’ [Michel Mulders/ Henry Overduin]. Used in the original version by Spectral Display. Since being picked up by IFC Films at last year’s Sundance Festival, “Simon Killer” screened at many festivals, and was the opening at the Film Comment Selects festival at New York’s Lincoln Center. Available on demand and on Blu-ray and DVD.

Trailer 1  Simon Killer       PLAY
Movie Clip – Simon Killer  PLAY
For TomTom have recorded navigation instructions with well-known Dutch actor Barry Atsma. Now downloadable at TomTom home.

TomTom world



Navigation instructions TOMTOM by well known radio host Heleen van Geest. A special edition for the  ANWB.

anwblogo TomTom ANWB


Fysio Holland

Fysio Holland, a website for physical therapy exercies. Voice-over:  Ilari Hoevenaars.   


Fysio Holland2



Geen Kind Buitenspel

 a film by Sander Ligthart for Bureau Jeugdzorg. 

Jeugzorg1 Jeugzorg2


Zcene Moving Media  wins prestigious price at the  International Corporate Filmfestival in Cannes ‘Rabobank Global Chains.

dolphin Global Chains




IVR platform for Rendac in Belgium and the Netherlands.  With the voices of  Meina Kentner for Germany and Hildegard van Nijlen and Beatrice Marlier for Belgium].  Comsys Nederland.

Comsys NL Rendac


IVR system for tram and bus in The Hague and Rotterdam ‘RET & HTM’,
 with the voices of  Carolina Mout & Claire King.


htm__1_logoRET logo



Destination The Netherlands

4 monthly video magazine on board of KLM Airplanes with direction The Netherlands. Voice-over Denise Rivera.

Denise R

Denise Rivera (US Spanish)
Destination The Netherlands and Schiphol Arrival & Transfer in 12 languages:  Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Cantonese, Korean, Brazilian Portugees and Arabic.  Rodin Filmproductions.

Rodin klm logo



OCW, dutch dubbing for Zcene Moving Media corporate video, direction Jonas Hemink.




Commercial for  Sky Team, voice-over: Denise Rivera.

Denise Rivera   SkyTeam_logo


‘Candelight poem’ by Jan van Veen voor ‘C1000-Jumbo’ event, direction Jan Fabel, Aventiq.

Jan v Veen


AkzoNobel Audio-Podcast

AkzoNobel Audio-Podcast, for AkzoNobel, host Keith Nicols, concept develpment  Fiona Meenaghan.





More than 10 years; InfoSecure E-Learning & Business Topics. Clip modules in various languages: English, German, Dutch, French, Italian, Spaanish, Hungary, Cinese Mandarine, Polish, Brazilian-Portugese, Greek, Russia, Czech, Rumanian, en Slowakian.




Funny Voices ! TomTom, 6  funny voices. Lucille Le Bangs, All The Way Annie, CoCo Carlton, Swami Injurkar, Yves Flamboyant en Direction Dude. Dowloadable via TomTom Home.

TT Cartoon copy TomTom world




‘Simon Killer

premiere on the Sundance Film Festival in Utah. ‘It Takes A Muscle’, composed by Michel Mulders & Henri Overduin. In 1982 released in  13 countries. In 2011 covered bij M.I.A. and released as second single of the album  ‘MAYA”.

Simon Killer / France, U.S.A. (Director and screenwriter: Antonio Campos) — A recent college graduate goes to Paris after breaking up with his girlfriend of 5 years. Once there, he falls in love with a young prostitute and their fateful journey begins. Cast: Brady Corbet, Mati Diop, Constance Rousseau, Michael Abiteboul.



3 Audio-Podcasts, for AkzoNobel

 questions by employees answered by Keith Nicols , concept development Fiona Meenaghan.

MSL Randstad




The first 3D corporate video NOW for Rabobank. Direction Bram Verlaan van Zcene Moving Media. [ 5.1 Sounddesign/Music /Mixing]

Now 3d



Corporate film for BEBEKA,  direction Maarten in het Hout.  Zcene Moving Media. Voice-over Derek de Lint.

Bebeka   Derek de Lint




Ymere, corporate film,  direction Mark van Welzenis, for Zcene Moving Media. Voice-over Anna Drijver .

Anna Drijver


It Takes A Muscle

‘It Takes A Muscle’,  composed by Michel Mulders & Henri Overduin. In 1982 a hit and released in 13 countries. In 2011 covered and released as second single of the album  ‘MAYA” by  M.I.A.  The album MAYA reached no 9 in de US Album Top 200 and was no 1 in de US Dance Top Charts. In November 2010 she performed in  Paradiso, Amsterdam.

It Takes A Muscle   M.I.A

Hogeschool Rotterdam

Audiovisuals for the Visitors Center van Hogeschool Rotterdam.  Sounddesign & music of the leaders/bumpers.




Provinciale Staten Verkiezingen – Postbus 51

TV & Radio commercials for Provinciale Staten elections by MSL.

MSL postbus51   Verkiezingen2




Onbelangrijk – Terres des Hommes

Terre des Hommes, TV, Radio en internet campagaign Onbelangrijk voor Terre des Hommes. Voice-over  Marike Jager.




For more than 10 years; InfoSecure E-Learning & Business Topics. Clip modules in the languages: Engels, Duits, Nederlands, Frans, Italiaans, Spaans, Hongaars, Kantonees, Mandarijn, Pools, Braziliaans-Portugees, Grieks, Russisch, Tsjechisch Roemeens, en Slowaaks.



Fanta – Octopussy

TV-Commercial, voice-over Peggy Vrijens.




Ricoh Management Services 

Riooh Document Management  Services, for Zcene Moving Media, Dan Brinkhuis. In French, German, English, Italian & Spanish




Audiopostproduction/music/sounddesign for Powerhosuse Direction by Mark van Welzenis,  [Zcene Moving Media & More To].

Powerhouse Powerhouse1





English dubbing for the mini series  ‘Temptation’. ‘Certificate For Creative Excellence’ on the US international Film and Video Festival in California gewonnen. Direction Paul Simon. Written & produced by  Zee [Patty Stenger]/Moreto [Roland Sonneveldt].

US Int Film&Video






WPP, dubbing for 2 Cinema movies ‘Pelle En De Waterdieven’, a 3D animationfilm,





and the norwegian Child film hit en de noorse ‘Knoester’ [live-action] Directed by Maria Lindes. Engineered by Paul Simon.





Eisma Edumedia

VMBO english. Direction, casting, audio, music & sound fx. Listening, Speaking, Engineering, Care & Welfare.




Terre des Hommes, radio-commercials against child abuse.

TdH logo Emilio billboard




The britisch Grammy/Emmy Award winner M.I.A.  The album ‘MAYA’ with ‘It takes A Muscle’ has reached no 9 in de album top 200 in the USA.


Click voor download  It Takes A Muscle  door M. I.A. op iTunes

Mia Billboard copy   M.I.A



‘Randstad Good To Know You’ 4 Podcasts

‘Randstad Good To Know You’ 4 Podcasts, for the Randstad 50 year Event, radio presentation Greg Shapiro.

MSL Randstad





Emilio – Terres des Hommes

TV-commercial against childprostitution Terre des Hommes. [music-composition, sounddesign].

TdH logo Emilio billboard



Tweede Kamer Verkiezingen – Postbus 51

MSL, TV & Radio commercials for the Tweede Kamerverkiezingen

MSL postbus51   Verkiezingen2



State lottery, sounddesign and additional music.





‘Ricoh’, for Zcene Moving Media, Dan Brinkhuis / Wim Coenen.


KWF Kankerbestrijding

Voice-over/dubbing recording in spanish, german and english for  ‘Fight Cancer’, KWF Kankerbestrijding. Stormchasers Amsterdam

Fight CancerKWF Kankerbestrijding




Audionapost for Chiquita, ‘Streven naar Perfectie’ Emiel van der Meer. Directed by Sander Ligthart.

Chiquita1 Chiquita3




Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen – Postbus 51

MSL, TV & Radio commercials for Gemeenteraadverkiezingen

postbus51   MSL



TomTom USA , three winners of the Indy-Car circuit. Worldchampions Scott Dixon,  Dario Franchitti & Juan Pablo Montoya.

TomTom world  IC Dario F IC ScottD IC-score


Vespa – Coca Cola

TV-commercial . For the 25th aniversary of Coca Cola Light. Voice-over Bette Hoogendijk.




Para Todos – Coke

Coke Para Rodos TV-commercial 40″. For the first time three Coke products in one commercial: Coca Cola, Coke Light & Coke Zero. For Holland with the voice of Derek de Lint .

Coke ParaTodos coca cola


Van Gogh Museum

Two hour documentary for the Van Gogh Museum about the life and work of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) “Inner Voice’ Thom Hoffman.



Tom Tom Navigation

german imitations:  Merkel, Naddel, Skydumont, Swiss Fun, Verona, Vienna Fun. And new recordings in Greek, Malay, Marocan Dariya, Croatian and Slovakian.

TomTom worldTomTm



Nazrul – Terres de Hommes

Terre des Hommes ‘Nazrul’ Campaign against childprostitution. TV and Radiocommercials [music-composition, sounddesign & audiopostproduction] A Production by Bouwmeester van Leeuwen.

terredeshommes Nazrul1




E-Learning project Elysee Dental. Voice-Over Monique van Dalfsen




Eisma Edumedia

For Eisma Edumedia we directed and recorded english lessons for VMBO. Music, effects was added to radio fragments, poems, scenes en story’s from the daily life.

Esima_Edumedia1 Eisma09





For Rolf Onderwijs, we have recorded a Luister Cdrom. Sound from the daily life, in and around the house, in the forest, by the sea and orchestral musical instruments are being learned to the listenar.


Italiaanse Comics – TomTom

Tom Tom Italian Comics. 15 new top commics, now available for TomTom navigation.

I Fichi D’india, Diego Eccezzziunale by Diego Abatantuono, Suor Nausicaa by Paolo Casiraghi, Dialet Bergamasc by Paolo Casiraghi, Nonno Anselmo by Omar Fantini, Il Pucci, Dialet Milanes by Pucci, Tubotubbies by I Turbolenti, Chicco Hicco D’oliva by i Turbolenti, Guilio Cesare by i Turbolent, i L’uomo Dei Pecche’ by Carmine Faraco, O’ Napulitano by Carmine Faraco, WINX by Rita Pelusio, La Sposa Pugliese by Rita Pelusio, Allexjo by Beppe Ferrara, BAZ 4.0



Siti – Terres des Hommes

Terre des Hommes, Change A Life. TV-commercial, 2 Tag-On’s & 3 Radio commercials [Music composing & sounddesign



Nederlands Elftal – Staatsloterij

Stadion Commercial for the playoff’s of the Dutch Soccer Team [musiccomposition, sounddesign & audionapost].

Een produktie van Annelies Dop Live & Multimedia BV.




Limis ‘Clip’ for Zcene Moving Media [musiccomposition, sounddesign & audiopost]




Kia Soul

Cinema commercial  Dolby Digital 5.1 .

TV commercials. Voice-Over Julika Marijn.

Kia Soundlogo and Radiocommercial for the new Kia Cee’d. Voice-Over Rene van Broekhoven. A production of Hans


IVR platform for ‘Santander’ the biggest ‘finance-provider’ of the world. Voice artist Sophie Hoeberechts.


Tropenmuseum Amsterdam

‘India’/ ‘KIT / Tropenmuseum Amsterdam. A Production of ‘Wennekes Multimedia’





Jackpot – Statelotery

State lotery lotery JackpotTV/Radio commercials A production of Annelies Dop Live & Multimedia BV .





A series of Radio commercials for Menzis. [music-composition sound- logo,recording & audiopostproduction]. A Production of Basiscommunication.

anderzorg anderZorg1



Yindee – Terres des Hommes

Terre des Hommes Against Childabuse. Tindee TV en Radio




10.000 schools received a free DVD box with 150 Canon-Clips, gemaakt by ‘IDTV-docs’ about the history of the Netherlands. ‘Imme Dros’ wrote the text, read by  ‘Frank Groothof’. ‘Harrie Geelen‘ took care of the beautiful images.

                                Harrie Geelen                    Imme Dros

IDTV-docs  Harrie Imme Dros

Eisma Edumedia


For Eisma Edumedia we directed and recorded english and dutch lessons for VMBO. Music, effects was added to radio fragments, poems, scenes en story’s from the daily life.




IVR system for ‘ZIGGO‘ the biggest Cable Company of The Nederlands [Casema, Multikabel & @Home].



Jackpot – Statelotery

Staatsloterij lotery Jackpot TV/Radio commercials. Music compositie/Sounddesign. A production of Annelies Dop Live & Multimedia BV.


Screen Shot 2013-07-07 at 21.24.46


TomTom – Discovery Channel

Discovery Channel Documentary item about the working of Tom Tom navigation. Filmed in our studio with UK voice Winnie Todd. Discovery Channel Europe .


Tom Tom Navigation Systems.  Recordings for more than 60 languages, 180 voices and celebrities

TomTom world


You Make the DifferenceNS

‘You Make the Difference’ a  film for NS by Mark van Welzenis for The Embedding Company.



InfoSecure E-Learning & Business Topics in de talen:Nederlands, Engels, Vlaams, Italiaans, Spaans, Pools, Zweeds, Slovaaks, Hongaars, Grieks, Braziliaans-Portugees, Macedonisch, Kroatisch & Tsjechisch.




‘De Kleine Lord’, Francis Hodsgson Burnett,  by Vivian Boelen. ‘De Avonturen van Tom Sawyer’, by Margriet Vroomans & Pipo. Distributed by Karakter Uitgevers.

De Kleine Lord Tom Sawyer


Dutch Tax And Customs Administration DVD [sounddesign & audiopostproduction]  Zcene Moving Media & Wonderland Film






X-Factor Location items for X-Factor, filmed in the Studio

X-Factor        X-Factor   Cam


Boekenweek – CPNB

Bookgift Campaign, Rene Appel CPNB Tv-commercial.


Rene Appel - CPNB   Rene Appel  –  Maand Van Het Spannende Boek
Saskia Noort - CPNB  Saskia Noort  –  Maand Van Het Spannende Boek
Nederland Leest - CPNB    Nederland Leest  –  Maand vh Spannende Boek




UEFA Official Interactive

Game for Holland and Belgium [recording and postproduction]





Disney Games Pirates Of The Carabeans and Trivial Pursuit.


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A royal diner

A royal diner with 360 guests, joined by koning Willem-Alexander and princes Maxima, was the start for the celebration of 400 years contact betweenthe Netherlands and Australia . Five projections: 4x 10 meters en 1x 14 meters, filled the Ridderzaal with image and sound. A multi-media production of C-Two [Marijke Bergkamp] & United135 [Karim Cheriff]. Studio Michel Mulders music-composition, sounddesign & audiopostproduction, Dolby Digital 5.1.




De Boompjes

De Boompjes Documentary about the history and future of this famous Rotterdam kay. Sponsored by Ernst & Young who have builded here there new headoffice. Production realised in cooperation with VDM [music-composition, sounddesign & audiopostproduction]


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Rembrandt Ministry of Forreign Affairs for Withagen Moving Media/Capital Interactive [audiopostproduction, 9 languages]




Cup Of Nations – Canon

Canon DVD Invitation Canon African Cup Of Nations Gala Dinner’ Mr. Tsuruoka invites his gests for a gala diner on the evening of the finale. [Music-composition & Sounddesign]. Annelies Dop Live & Multimedia.




Cisco Systems – TV-commercials 


Wave - Cisco Systems


Callcenter - Cisco Systems


Tom Tom Navigation Systems

More than 60 languages, 90 voices:  Maxima, John Cleese, Johan Cruiff, Heleen van Geest ANWB, Barry Atsma

TomTom world



Alturion Navigation Systems 12 Languages

Screen Shot 2013-07-07 at 22.10.48


Cosmic Navigation Systems

Cosmic Nav



Willeke – Schoonenberg Hoorcomfort

TV-commercial & Radio-commercials





a documentary by Marlou van de Berge for VPRO- television DOKWERK. [sounddesign & mixing]


VPRO dok


‘Rabonizing’ for Rabobank Zcene Moving Media Company [sounddesign & audiomixing]





CNE Cinema Net Europe – Filmfonds

‘CNE’Cinema Net Europe Opening of the first Digital Cinema Network Europe. Digital 5 screen projection Tushinski [musiccomposition, sounddesign & Mixing 5.1] Netherlands Film Foundation. Annelies Dop Live & Multimedia.

Screen Shot 2013-07-07 at 22.19.27

Nederland aan de Spree  Ministery of Foreign Affairs Withagen Moving Media 3 languages [audiopostproduction



The Dutch Ambassy in Berlin  

Spree copy




Dutch Tax and Customs Administration

10-films Zcene Moving Media [sounddesign & mixing




Bewonder – Grolsch

Grolsch Discover TV/Cinema Commercials Dolby Digital 5.1 




Appelsientje – Riedel Dranken

More than 30 Radio & TV commercials for Riedel dranken:
 Pappelsientje, Goudappetje, Pompelmoentje Fruitdruifje (45″) 
[music-composition] Being used over a period of 6 years.

Screen Shot 2013-07-07 at 22.24.05


VSM – Homeopathie


More than 40 Radio & TV commercials for VSM Homeopathy(40″) Tussistin, Spiroflor, Nisyleen, Cardiflor, Rinileen, [musiccomposition, sounddesign    & audiomixing

Screen Shot 2013-07-07 at 22.25.06


Annetje Lie VPRO-TV

75 minutes Drama production [sounddesign-audiopostproduction]

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Betty Boop

2 episodes DVD/TV [dubbing/mixing] [Titelrole Tooske Breugem]




Hoorcomfort – Schoonenberg

Schoonenberg Willeke, TV-commercial [music-composing & sounddesign


Whoznext TV/Cinema commercial [sounddesign /Dolby Digital 5.1]

Who's next


Enorm Enery  PLAY  

Enorm Energy

Star Wars ‘The Attack Of The Clones
14 TV-commercials 20 Century FOX, Holland, Belgium & France

Clones3 Clones1



Cedric TV-series 13 episodes Yorin
Clifford The Big Red Dog TV-series 65 episodes RTL-4
Cedric TV-series 13 episodes Yorin
Clifford The Big Red Dog TV-series 65 episodes RTL-4
Pettson & Findus Feature film [Dolby Surround]
Noach’s Island TV-series 13 episodes VPRO

Secrets – Ketel One

The Secret Of Ketel One DVD Ketel One Vodka [music-composing & sounddesign Dolby Digital 5.1]
25.000 DVD/Vhs copy’s




Koninklijke Landmacht 13 episodes

Leader  and bumpers [music-composing & sounddesign]




Opening Event Goliiath Six Flags [music-composing & sounddesign]

goliath1  goliath2

For Birth Or Death Opera adaptation, Pierre Audi, ID&D Arts & Events/NPS [sounddesign, audiopostproduction]

forbirthordeath1 forbirthordeath2

Pierre Audi


The Sommels  TV-series 13 episodes VPRO [recording, music-composing, sounddesign]




Discover Grolsch TV/Cinema commercials 90″, 60″, 45″ [music-composing & audio Dolby Digital]





Generations The Story Of Ketel One, DVD Ketel One Vodka [music-composing & sounddesign Dolby Digital 5.1]

Generations     ketelonevodka

Esmee de la Bretonierre




Kirikou Feature film [Dolby Surround]Direction Maria Lindes.


Link Spel Paula van der Oest, Drama production, Dutch RailwaysNS

National Geographic Channel Documentary series /Commercials

Nat Geo


Inspector Zoeky TV-commercials Van Melle [muziekcompositie & audio]




Thuisfront Drama Production, Ivo van Hove, NTR

Willem Nijeholt – Will van Kralingen – Dora van der Groen

Radio/TV-Drente 130 stationcalls.

RTV Drente




The Color Of War Documentary series [direction, production & audio]





Land Before Time – Platvoet

The Land Before Time Part II, IV, V, VI VII, VIII, IX & X Videofilms/DVD [dubbing/ Mixing Dolby Surround/ Dolby Digital 5.1]




Trollz Serie 27 delen Nickelodeon [Dubbing, Direction, Mixing]





30 TV-commercials 20 Century FOX, Holland, Belgium & France.


Modern Dans

Music-composition for more than 40 l ‘Modern Dance productions’ & ‘Theaterproductions’

Gotspe – Dansproduktie Choreography. by Hans van Manen, Helga Langen

                                                      Pauline Daniels

 She Said – Vals Bloed

She Said



Itsy Bitsy Spiderman

Singing and Dancing doll. Sung by Paul Simon




Beatrix Potter

 TV-series 6 episodes Tranlation & direction Harrie Geelen VPRO




The Witches Roald Dahl 2-CD.

. Sjakie en de Grote Glazen Lift Roald Dahl.






Feature Film/TV-film, Danniel Danniel, NPS [music-composing & audiopostproduction].




Feature Film, Danniel Danniel, [music-composing & audiopostproduction].

Egg Jap




The Pointsman – De Wisselwachter

De Wisselwachter, The Pointsman Feature Film/TV-film, Jos beStelling [music-composing]


De WW          FilmmusicSCCD001




It Takes A Muscle To Fall In Love

 Spectral Display, It Takes A Muscle To Fall In Love, released in 13 countries.


Gecoverd by M.I.A and producer Diplo. Released on the album MAYA. Also released as second single of the  album.

  It Takes A Muscle

Producer Diplo & M.I.A.



Pop project: Spectral Display. Uitgebracht 4 albums & 22 Singles

Spectral Display


Too Much Like Me

Ready To Conquer